Hi, my name is Liv. I live in Düsseldorf, Germany. Nice to meet you!
This site is meant to be a brief introduction to myself, as well as to things I find interesting.
Some things about me
- I'm a software developer by trade (I'm currently not for hire).
- I hike a lot, preferably 15km+, at least once a week.
- I use they/them pronouns (she/her is fine, too).
- I've been working on open source software for way too long.
Technical stuff
- For work, I write a lot of Rust, and a decent bit of the web stack (HTML, CSS, JS/TS/Vue), too.
- Outside of work, I'm using a lot of Elixir and Erlang.
- I also like infrastructure and systems work, and I'm always interested in learning more about it.
Here's a non-exhaustive list of things I've done or contributed to:
- Rust (the language) — I've lead a couple of teams and created a bunch of learning materials.
- Rustlings — An official learning course for Rust.
- Fernehalwes — A website to plan events in Final Fantasy XIV, written in Elixir using Phoenix.
- shtola — A funny little static site generator. Used for this website.
- In the past, I lead Jekyll and Node.js.
- I'm also an avid event organizer (before the pandemic). Past events include JSConf EU, CSSconf EU, Rust Berlin and Nodeschool Berlin.
How to reach me
The most reliable way is, as it should be, email. My primary email address
shadows at with dot al
. - I'm also on GitHub, albeit only for work and open-source purposes.
- I hang around a lot on IRC, my nick is usually shadows_withal.